Friday, October 12, 2012

Fresh Cup Of Tea, Some Exercising and FUN with ZUMBA!

Nothing like a hot cup of tea on a cold, rainy Sunday afternoon!

I was recently diagnosed with Hypertensive Urgency which got  me admitted to the hospital for three days. The thing that got the doctors alarmed was I never got any common symptoms like blurry vision or other vision disturbances, Headache, Dizziness, Nausea or appetite changes. They had me tested for other possible  conditions like diabetes, heart enlargement and cholesterol. Thank God they are all normal!

Having been admitted and diagnosed, I am now conscious with my eating habits. I wanted to change my lifestyle and loose weight. I've been struggling with my weight for the longest time, but now I need to struggle harder and get the results that I want. 

First thing to change is my coffee drinking. The doctor specifically said that it boosts pressure. .A friend told me to switch from drinking coffee to tea as it lowers blood pressure.I googled it and found out that she is indeed right. It also has L-theanine which explains why tea has rejuvenating effects. It helps reduce the negative effects of stress which is great since I do have a stressful job!

I then started drinking Lipton Yellow Label Tea and got addicted to it. I prefer to drink it before every meal.

L-theanine is also purported to increase concentration, promote weight loss, and boost the immune system. In addition, some proponents suggest that L-theanine can prevent stroke, Alzheimer's disease, and some forms of cancer. WOW, isn't that amazing?! That's a lot of positive effects from a cup of hot tea!

More medical benefits are explained on Lipton's fact sheet. You may download it here. Of course, too much of something, no matter how good that something is for the body will eventually become unhealthy. So  2-3 cups a day is the maximum for me.

Next is Cardiovascular Exercise! It's the best exercise for both the lungs and the heart. It improves your endurance,tolerance and helps you relax. I then started jogging early in the morning from Bacayan down to Talamban proper and vice versa every Sunday and Monday morning. It's kind of nice to be out so early in the morning, the air is fresh and a bit cold which i liked so much! During weekdays, I just do sit ups and stretching and Zumba dancing.

One Sunday afternoon, Jessica Soho featured Zumba being a popular work out in Latin and North America and is slowly  being introduced here in the Philippines. It's fun, funky and very very effective!  A friend gave me a copy of of the Zumba Fitness and it was indeed fun. Tried it for 5 minutes and I was sweating like a pig already! I like it since I always love dancing, and Zumba incorporate Latin music to International music!

Here's one of their beginners class. Shake that booty! Shake that booty!

Well I guess i need to get used to this lifestyle to get better. It's bad enough that I have a condition at such a young age. I am just glad that I now know about it and so I can do something about it.